Hannan! Nape ko tag aku? Aku nie mmg bkn spesis rajin layan tag. In fact lum penah lg aku igt aku wat tag. Tp...sb arini aku xle fokus wat kje..(walaupun deadline dh terlepas n siren dah berbunyik2, ish3...) Aku try la men tag nie. Everyone should have their 1st time kn?1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
TV? We seldom watch TV. We watch notebook most of the time. TV tu sampingan je :p kalu terpandang2...But what's on his notebook screen? Hmm...kje die la. Xpun layan berita2 terkini kt intnet.
2. You're out to eat, what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
He's not really into salad. Die tekak melayu. But he likes mayonaise. So i guess, he'll go wit tat
3. What's one food he doesn't like?
Durian! Petai! Jering! dan geng dorg...
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
Nasi putih, telo bistik, kailan ikan masin. Air besenye aku yg pilih, dedue air aku yg punya muahahahaha....but most of the time one of it wud be air suam :D
5. Where did he go to high school?
We went to the same school. MRSM Serting. He's my classmate. We wud sit next to each other :P
6. What size shoe does he wear?
Asenye 10. Kaki abang size 10 kan? ke?
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Ahah! It'd be coins (masuk dlm tabung, utk luqman konnonye), CDs or DVDs of all sort of installers, pieces of papers (utk conteng2 bile org opis die tipon), n old car licenses :P
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Abang makan sandwic ke? Not tat he's not eating them. But he just dont fancy them muc. Might as well choose something else
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
Nasi & lauk yang dimasak di rumah a.k.a home cooked meal. Masak la pepun tp jgn letak petai/jering/durian
10. What is his favorite cereal?
Kokocrunch or watever cereal tat i ate
11. What would he never wear?
Baju batik, singlet, a hat...
12. What is his favorite sports team?
He's not really a football avid. But enjoys watching them especially wit some frens (b4 we got married). He likes Liverpool. but tat was like years back. Not sure if it changed
13. Who did he vote for?
Shh...we dont go voting on election day :p We lazy people. Perhaps tis coming election kitorang g. Ngeh3...
14. Who is his best friend?
Me of cos :D (prasan xhengat!)
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
He says i think too muc. My hb's a simple thinker. Xske serabut2 kpale. But i wonder, how will our live be, if i were to think like him. Hmm...
16. What is his heritage?
Orang nogori. Melayu N9
17. What is his favourite colour?
Most of the time, Blue. Sometimes black or orange. Not so often, white n red.
18. What is his habit?
Spending most of his time wit the notebook, gigit kuku bile berpk (still working on tat), talk 1st-think later = unknown word :P
19. What is he proud of?
His charm, his looks, his brain, his wit, masculinity...Men r vain people :D
20. Who he loves the most?
His lil family! Me & Luqman :D
Nak kene letak gmba ke? Bole la nie..

Ahah! Abis dah. Sile la continue tis tag. N the award goes to: GURLZ, ACHA, IU, MALEEN
wah...semangat seh ko menulis skang...siap jawab2 tag2 bagai....syiok2
ida, aku x sempat jwb.. sabo ek.. nak kena pk jawapan.. susah soklan ni muahahaha :D
misshannan: kau tgh xde mood kje. g pun sndri tensen n bosan tgk blog tu same je. balik2 topik bebel tu :p
roshda: jawab jgn xjawab. jgn xsempat jawab :P
iu tu aku ke? hihihi
ish3 ko nie iu...wat2 tnye lak :D pe lagi...layan je la tag tu :D
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